Pet insurance in Texas

Top-ranked coverage for adorable Texans

4.5 out of 5
4.5 out of five star rating on Trustpilot
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Forbes Advisor 2023. America's best pet insurance company. ManyPets was awarded 5 stars

Forbes' #1 pet insurance company for 2023

A brown dog and a tuxedo cat snuggling

Nose-to-tail coverage for Texas's dogs & cats

Why get pet insurance in Texas?



A magnifying glass with an insect illustration icon

Fleas & heartworms

A red heart with a black exclamation mark inside a white circle at the bottom right, symbolizing a health alert or warning related to the heart.

Chagas disease

Praise from our pack

Don't just take it from us. Read reviews from happy ManyPets pack members in Texas!
A Dalmatian looking stoic

Is pet insurance worth it in Texas?

Unfortunately, unexpected veterinary costs do pop up, and the last thing you want to worry about is money when your focus should be on helping your pet feel better.

Good pet insurance policies will pay for most treatment options that your veterinarian might recommend. Some insurance companies even offer wellness plans to reimburse you for preventive care! The peace of mind that pet insurance provides is truly priceless.

Dr. Jennifer Coates, DVM

What does ManyPets insurance cover?

A document with a tick


A magnifying glass with a squiggly graph in it




A stomach half full with fluid

Digestive illnesses

A bone breaking in half

Broken bones

A cancer cell

Cancer treatments

A DNA helix

Hereditary conditions

A heart with an exclamation mark

Congenital conditions

A medication bottle

Prescription meds

Man holding green umbrella over a dachshund

What’s not covered?

An orange cat on a pink couch

How does ManyPets define pre-existing conditions?

Claims & reimbursements

How to make pet insurance claims in Texas

Pay the vet

1. Pay the vet (any vet)

Submit your claim online

2. Submit your claim online

Painless money

3. Sit back and wait to get paid.

A woman with brown hair hugging a Persian cat

Your pets deserve the best—so do you

Get a quote in 60 seconds

Want more state-specific insurance info?

Policy examples, endorsements, disclosures, and other state-specific must-reads, right this way.

Pet insurance in Texas FAQs

How much is dog insurance in Texas?

How much is cat insurance in Texas?

Do all vets take pet insurance in Texas?

How many pets can I insure at once in Texas?

Which breeds are popular in Texas?

Texans have some big-time love for their pets. The state is not only brimming with companion pets, but also working dogs! After all, Texas has more farms and ranches than any other US state—248,416 of them, according to the Texas Department of Agriculture. That's a lot of land for Texas pets to play and work on! Here are some of the most popular fur-friends in Texas: