
Claims FAQs

  • What are pet medical records and what should they include?

    Just like humans, pets have written medical records that provide a comprehensive history of their health. Your vet (or vets) will have records of all veterinary visits, diagnoses, treatments, vaccinations, routine care, and any medications...
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  • Does my ManyPets policy have a waiting period?

    Once your pet is in your possession, the ManyPets waiting period — in most states as of May 2023 – is for 15 days after you purchase your policy. (Waiting periods may vary by state due to relevant regulatory rules and changes; always refer to your...
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  • When can I submit my first claim?

    The ManyPets waiting period — in most states as of May 2023 – is for 15 days after you purchase your policy. (Waiting periods may vary by state due to relevant regulatory rules and changes; always refer to your own state’s policy wording.) Any...
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  • How do I file a pet health insurance claim?

    It’s easy! Just follow these three (3) simple steps: Step 1: When your pet is sick or injured, visit any licensed veterinarian in the U.S. for diagnosis and treatment, and pay as usual at checkout (don’t forget to ask for a copy of your itemized...
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  • How will I get paid for a claim?

    After your claim is approved, we will issue payment, minus the amount of your deductible and copay. We’ll reimburse approved claims via direct deposit to your bank account (ACH) or via check, your choice.
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  • If I have a wellness plan with my veterinarian, how will my ManyPets wellness product work?

    We think it's wonderful that your pet has so much protection! It's also important to understand how your ManyPets wellness product will work in combination with a wellness plan purchased through your veterinarian. Our wellness plan provides...
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  • Can you tell me if my claim will be covered before I send it to you?

    We cannot confirm if a specific treatment or service will be covered until we have received the veterinarian invoice and other required information. We assess each claim upon receiving that information and encourage you to send us all claims you...
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  • Does ManyPets cover hip dysplasia?

    Hip-dysplasia is a condition that we may be able to provide coverage for, depending on the circumstances. For example, if your pet has never received treatment, medication, or advice for dysplasia, it would be covered by your policy. However, if...
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  • What documentation do you need from me?

    When you submit your first claim, we ask that you also submit your pet's medical records from the prior eighteen (18) months. Here's an example medical record, and some key items we'll look for. After that, we'll only need you to send us a copy of...
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  • Does ManyPets cover pre-existing conditions?

    Unlike many of our competitors, we can cover pre-existing conditions provided they have been free of symptoms and treatment for the 18 months prior to your policy effective date and during your waiting period - unless it's a cruciate ligament (CL,...
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  • Should I file a claim if my vet’s invoice is less than my deductible?

    Yes! We recommend submitting all claims about new accidents, illnesses, and injuries to maximize your annual deductible. Reminder - your annual deductible is the amount you contribute before your insurance kicks in, so every qualifying invoice...
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