ManyPets frequently asked questions

You have questions. We have answers.

About us

What is ManyPets?

Where is ManyPets available?

Coverage information

What does ManyPets pet health insurance cover?

What doesn't ManyPets pet insurance cover?

What are waiting periods for pet insurance?

What are pre-existing conditions and are they covered?

Does ManyPets cover cancer treatments?

What’s the difference between a pet health insurance policy and a pet wellness plan?

Does ManyPets pet insurance cover regular or routine vet visits?

What are bilateral conditions, and does ManyPets cover them?

Does ManyPets cover dental?

Does ManyPets cover hip-dysplasia?

Account & service information

How can I get a pet insurance quote?

How does ManyPets pet insurance work?

How do you calculate my price?

How do I update my billing information?

What payment methods do you accept?

Does ManyPets work with any vet?

How can I cancel my pet health insurance policy?

How do I insure multiple pets?

What happens if I miss a payment?

Is my information safe?

How can I reach your team?

Can I buy a ManyPets policy as a gift?

Claims information

How do I file a pet health insurance claim?

What documentation do you need from me?

What are pet medical records and what should they include?

How will I get paid for a pet insurance claim?

How fast will my claim get paid?

Should I file a claim if my vet’s invoice is less than my deductible?

Will my monthly premium (price) increase after filing a claim?

Do you have more questions?

Can I buy a ManyPets policy as a gift?

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